Assistant Denki Keika Chapter 03

Warning: Mature Content!

Unaseradei introduced Tsumugi his new assistant and Tsumugi was happy to see Keika. Keika wants to know why he infiltrated her workplace and she will not be caught by the White Kakimaze. Tsumugi said he is just returning a favor to Unaseradei after he saved him from the bullies before.

Keika did not believe him so she tried to make him confess. She used her own pleasure technique to torture him but it didn't work. She asked Tamae to switch with her and Tamae used her "electric eraser". After several attempts Keika was convinced that he was not pursuing her so they let him go.

That evening, Keika and Tamae slept on the same futon and they made love while Tsumugi watched. They made love again next day and he came to watch again. For some reason Tamae seemed to be enjoying it and Keika is a little embarrassed but she could say no to her.

Tsundere Translation gave a warning that this chapter is crap. I'd agree on them since I didn't like the presence of Tsumugi in the story especially when he watched them doing it, twice.

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Assistant Denki Keika Chapter 03