Beautiful Things

Group Scanlating: Lililicious

This is a story about a girl who always watches a Hasegawa, a popular student in her school. One day, Hasegawa caught her hiding and she made a move to kiss her. She laughed and said,

"Aha, did you think I was going to kiss you?" and she asked her "Do you have a thing for me?"

The girl answered, "No, I just think you're pretty. That's why I've been watching you"

Hasegawa flushed and she forcibly pushed the girl to the floor, ripped her clothes and she also took her clothes off. The girl refused and Hasegawa said,

"This is what you want, isn't it?"

After that, Hasegawa was hospitalized because of an accident, the girl came to see her and Hasegawa apologized to her and said,

"The truth is, I was always aware of you and didn't know how to get rid of my i did something horrible to you. I'm sorry"

She cried and the girl thought,

"Nothing can compared to the beauty of your tears"

In the end, the girl was still fascinated to watch Hasegawa, even when she was crying.

Overall rating:


Beautiful Things