The Power of Love - I Miss You

Group Scanlating: Lililicious

Kaori haven't seen her girl friend Shiro for two weeks and Shiro didn't write her back. She was worried when she only got one message saying,

"I'm home. Work is so hard. I'm sleepy!I'm going to bed! Night."

She asked her friend about it and her friend said,

"It sounds like she's avoiding you, Kaori"

Kaori refused to believe and said she knew that Shiro loves her and misses her. She decided to visit her and Shiro was surprised to see her. She said,

"What are you doing here?"

Kaori then said,

"Sorry, I just want to give you this and then I'll be on my way! It's...."

Kaori stopped when she heard someone else's voice in Shiro's apartment. She threw the grocery bag she brought, slapped her and she left.

I love this story. It's a happy ending so that makes it even better. In the end, everything was just Kaori's misunderstanding. Shiro was indeed with someone in her apartment but it's not what she thought it was.

Overall rating:


The Power of Love - I Miss You