Sweeter Than Chocolate [Shiznat Doujinshi]

Special Thanks to Yuki Natsuko for sharing the link to this shiznat doujinshi.

By: lostangelvn

It's Valentine's Day and Shizuru got lots of gifts from her fans. Natsuki didn't have a fancy gift so she only gave her a ribbon with Shizuru's name on it. She then said,

"My feelings towards you...I-it's not chocolate...even so...for you alone...Please be gentle with my heart, Shizuru"

Shizuru cried and said she wanted to hug her but her hands are full with gifts. Natsuki said, "Baka" and she embraced Shizuru instead.

Overall rating:


Sweeter Than Chocolates [Shiznat Doujinshi]
