Girls Love

By: Akiko Morishima
Group Scanlating: Dynasty Scans

This is one shot contains two volumes and different stories about Hana and Kaori. Hana is in love with Kaori and Kaori doesn't know about it. All stories are hilarious and I love it. Too bad they didn't end up as a couple in the end.

My favorite author/artist Akiko Morishima also did:

Hanjuku Joshi

The Condition for Paradise

20 Year old Girl x 30 Year Old Maiden

The Opposite of Seme is Protector

Virgin Season

On A Night When The Moon Is Full

Soft Boiled Fujoshi

Soft Boiled Fujoshi - Before Winter Comiket

Azure Dream

YurixYuri Observation Diary

Overall rating:


Girls Love