Kiddy Girl-And

Just like Kiddy Grade, I didn't sense any yuri here either. All I saw was a girl kissing a girl..not in a romantic way and that doesn't qualify as yuri.

Oh, I'm not so crazy about the art too. They aren't cute at all. They're boring to look at, in fact.

Plot Summary: ES members Éclair and Lumière once were involved in a battle to decide the fate of the galaxy. They prevailed and peace was restored to the galaxy. Now, 25 years later, the galaxy once again stands on the brink of chaos. This conflict will see the dawn of two new heroines; Ascoeur and Q-feuille. The two girls work for the galactic government known as GTO, as they are training to become members of ES. Anime News Network

Source: Anime Sensei


Overall rating:

Episode 01 Episode 02 Episode 03 Episode 04 Episode 05 Episode 06

Episode 07
Episode 08 Episode 09 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12

Episode 13 Episode 14 Episode 15 Episode 16 Episode 17 Episode 18