My Hime EXA Chapter 01 [RAW]

Special Thanks to Tsukimori for sharing the link for this new release.

To download chapter 02, click here.

Language: Japanese

Here's chapter one of the new My Hime series and it also seems to be a new story. In this chapter, Mai just met Mikoto, Reito, Natsuki and everyone else. Natsuki is just as cool as ever. she still looks cold, rude and stubborn. I love it.

The best part, however, is Shizuru looking at Natsuki from the window and she smiled. I was like "OMG". It's really too bad that was the only page where I got to see her. This chapter has 52 pages and Shizuru only appeared once. That is so not fair. I really expect more Shiznat scenes in the later chapters of this new series.

Well, I don't know what the story is about but there's a lot of action to be scene. Mikoto and Mai where bathing together and some girl suddenly attacked them.

Overall rating:


My Hime EXA Chapter 01 [RAW]