Boku no Futatsu no Tsubasa

Warning: Mature Content!

This manga is labeled as Futanari and contain HET scenes on the chapter 36-37.

By: Yui Toshiki
Group Scanlating: DummyScan, Innocent Sin, Xenois' Lab and s.ADTRW
Volumes: 5
Status: Complete

Boku no Futatsu no Tsubasa is the story of the self-discovery of a teenager named Makoto who, as a hermaphrodite, has more things to discover than most teens. The focus is on Makoto's exploration of her sexuality, but the manga also shows the development of the main characters' emotional bonding and developing relationships.

Main Characters

Makoto Kashiwagi
Makoto was raised by her grandfather as a boy because she possessed male genitalia. However, with the onset of puberty, Makoto also started to develop breasts and so learned that she is a fertile and fully functional hermaphrodite. She initiates romantic/sexual relationships with four individuals over the course of the story, but in the end seems to realise that her true attraction is to Hiromi. At the very end of the story, it is implied that the two will be in a relationship with each other.
Near the end of the manga, Makoto learns that she is half-alien. When an alien research spacecraft visited Earth, her mother had a relationship with one of the researchers—a member of a humanoid race which is naturally hermaphroditic. All Makoto's unusual characteristics can apparently be traced back to her "sire".

Hiromi Ishimaru
After Makoto reveals her secret, Hiromi becomes Makoto's protector and tutor. At the very end of the story, it seems that Hiromi has developed and realised romantic feelings for Makoto, the implication being that they will be in a relationship from there on in. Wikipedia

I am not a fan of futanari and this is the first futanari/yuri manga I read and it's really not that bad. I did find it weird since she's half male but I'm also thankful that this manga didn't show her "part". The worst for me was the HET scene at the later chapters. She's exploring her sexually so she does it with anyone. On the last chapter, Hiromi was abducted so she rescued her. Makoto's dad came with spaceship and she was taken to their planet. She came back for Hiromi in the end so it's a happy ending, I guess.

Even if I enjoyed reading this manga, I'm still have no interest in reading other futanari stories after this. I'm still into 100% yuri stories so this is the first and last futanari I'll ever read and post.

Overall rating:


Volume 01 Volume 02 Volume 03 Volume 04 Volume 05