Escape (Sakuya x Meiling Touhou)

Group Scanlating: Wings of Yuri

Meiling is concerned that Sakuya always overworks herself and hardly getting enough sleep. She offered to help her with her tasks but realized she couldn't do it after all. Sakuya told her to concentrate on her own work and Meiling told her to take care of herself.

One day, Sakuya was exhausted and accidentally dropped the melon on Meiling's head. Sakuya said she'll make amends so Meiling asked her rest. Sakuya rested her head on Meiling's lap and she finally went to sleep. Meiling kissed her but Sakuya was awake at that time. After that day, she never saw Sakuya tired again.

I always love Sakuya x Meiling pairing and this is one of their cute stories.

Overall rating:


Escape (Sakuya x Meiling Touhou)