Another Weather Alert!

OK, this is getting ridiculous. I have another weather alert to post today, as the National Weather Service is expecting another 10-20" of snow to fall on us today, overnight, and into tomorrow, with the storm moving in around noon today. The weather Gods say that we are only 9.4" from breaking the all time record set back in 1898 for Washington DC area snowfall (which I think was 54" total for the season), so this one should blow right through that record and it's only mid-February. This all on top of the 3 feet we just got over the weekend. I know you folks in places like Minnesota and upstate New York get this sort of snow every year, but this is just crazy snow for us. I think we got like 9" total inches all last year. Trust me, most Virginia's just freak out when something like this happens - it defiantly shows in the way they drive!

Anyway, it's supposed to start snowing around noon, so we're most likely going to work like crazy on orders up until around 1pm and then head out before things get too bad. Most likely we'll be closed again tomorrow as it's supposed to keep snowing until 6 or 7pm tomorrow night, and then we'll be back in Thursday after we dig out, though normal service might not resume until Friday. It all just depends on how bad the storm ends up being.

Just a heads up everyone. We'll do the absolute best we can, so keep those orders coming and we'll get them out to you as soon as humanly possible!

UPDATE #1: They have now reduced the snow forecast to just over a foot, and it looks like the heaviest is coming in over night and into tomorrow. Still enough to shut us down tomorrow, but not the major disaster that 20" would be, so the machine should be back up and humming first thing Thursday morning.

UPDATE #2: Jim Kosek in Baltimore freaking out over the weather here this past weekend:

UPDATE #3 (2/10 2PM): Well, we got hammered again. About 12" so far and 2-3" more expected before it moves out this evening. Looks like the worst is directly to our East were they have Blizzard conditions with 40mph winds and 4' drifts. Dulles airport is closed, and my sister (who works for UPS in Chantilly) says they closed the sorting facility there for the first time in 26 years and told everyone to stay home. Both FedEx and UPS send out bulletins this morning saying that all pickups and deliveries have been suspended today, and that no freight is moving in or out of the area because all the airports are closed. That retirement community in Del Boca Vista is looking better and better! -_^ We're off to shovel yet once again.

UPDATE #4 (2/10 5:15PM): We just finished shoveling - again. Winds are gusting 30-40mph and whatever we clear out is just filling back in with snow drifts, so this is what I'm thinking of the snow:

On second thought, I think I like this one better: -_^