Tama To Tama To Chapter 10

Group Scanlating: Horobi no Michi

Sai explained to Aoi that Tama was a sacrifice and the necklace sealed the feelings of hatred from the villagers. Sai also said that Tama's personality have increased because she's away from the village and she doesn't know how many personalities she has inside her.

I honestly don't know what happened to Mikoto. For some reason, Aoi is already wearing her bracelet (sealing stone). That day, Tama said to Mikoto,

"We're always together right? Subaru-kun and Mikoto-chan. It's alright Mikoto-chan, Tama will protect you."

Tama hugged her and that's it. Could they have fused together? Anyway, in the end, Tama looked different (she no longer look like the same) and Aoi, who is now wearing the bracelet, promised to protect her and bring her back to normal.

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Tama To Tama To Chapter 10