Junsui Ritsu (Sanae x Yasaka - Touhou)

Note: Mature Content!

Group Scanlating: Wings of Yuri

This is a sweet love story of Sanae and Yasaka.

Sanae is not eating much and she started getting sick. Yasaka kissed her so spiritual energy could support her body. She asked Sanae,

"Did that make you uncomfortable?"

Sanae was still shocked that she was kissed but answered,


Yasaka smiled and said,

"Shall we continue? We're not done. With just that, it won't add up to anything"

Sanae then said,


I love this. At first, Yasaka was just helping Sanae to recover but she eventually fell in love with her. She asked her to always stay by her side and go with her to Gensokyo.


Kanako Yasaka - is a Goddess of wind and rain

Sanae Kotiya - Human, descendant of a goddess

Gensokyo (幻想郷, literally Land of Illusions or Land of Fantasy). Gensokyo is populated mainly by youkai, but a decent human and rabbit population lives there as well. Some of its inhabitants went there to hide, to escape, to find shelter when no one and nowhere else would accept them. Touhou Wiki

Overall rating:


Junsui Ritsu (Sanae x Yasaka - Touhou)