Girl Friends Chapter 29 (updated)

Here's the official release of Girl Friends Chapter 29. The link has been updated as well. Nothings changed with the story. Just better quality scans.

Source: Maki Maki Translations

Finally, I am able to read the english version. Akko and Mari are so cute. I love it. My favorite part was when Akko whispered to Mari saying,

"One day soon, you have to let me see you naked too"

Mari answered,


Then Akko embraced her.

I love it!!! They are so sweet. I can't get enough of them.
Oh, Akko gave her a pinky ring as her christmas present. How sweet it that? I don't know what's wrong with Mari though. She's thinking too much. She met her friend when she and Akko were on a date and she introduced Akko as her friend. I mean, I don't expect her to tell her friend that Akko is her girl friend but Akko seemed sad when she heard it.

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Girl Friends Chapter 29