Aria Manga

On the planet Aqua, a world once known as Mars, Mizunashi Akari has just made her home in the town of Neo-VENEZIA, a futuristic imitation of the ancient city of Venice. The technology of "Man Home" (formerly Earth) has not entirely reached this planet, and Akari is alone, having no contact with family or friends. Nonetheless, the town, with its charming labyrinths of rivers and canals, becomes Akari's new infatuation, along with the dream of becoming a full-fledged gondolier. Reverting to a more "primitive" lifestyle and pursuing a new trade, the character of Akari becomes both adventurous and heartwarming all at once. Manga Updates

By: Amano Kozue
Group Scanlating: Amano Centric Scans, Cabbit, Zefgame, etc.
Volumes: 12
Status: On Going Scans
Yuri Meter: 2 = Mild Yuri

Here's the doujinshi for Aria focusing on Alicia and Akira:



Overall rating:


Volume 01 Volume 02 Volume 03 Volume 04 Volume 05 Volume 06

Volume 07 Volume 08 V9 ch41 V9 ch42 V9 ch43 V9 ch 44 V9 ch 45

V9 ch 45.5 Volume 10 V11 ch 51 V11 ch 52 V11 ch 53 V11 ch 54

V11 ch 55 V12 ch 56