All Should Thaw (Shiznat Doujinshi)

Note: Mature Content!

Group Scanlating: Wings of Yuri

I love this. This doujinshi is about Natsuki and her thoughts about Shizuru. They are both in bed and Natsuki is lost in her thoughts. She was thinking,

"The day I lost everything. In an instant, my heart froze....I wanted someone to warm up my frozen heart. After I lost everything, Shizuru was my first 'Warm Existence'....Little by little, It was certain that my frozen heart was being melted.."

Shizuru asked her,

"What are you thinking about, Natsuki?"

She embraced Shizuru and said,

"Nothing...Shizuru, I love you"

Overall rating:


All Should Thaw (Shiznat Doujinshi)