Shiznat Doujinshi (Maitake)

Special Thanks to Passerby-A for sharing this shiznat doujinshi.

I'm not sure of the title of this douinshi but it has different stories about Shizuru and Natsuki. They were all funny and sweet and I love it. One of my favorite story was I'm Dhuran. Mai mentioned Mikoto's name and Mikoto suddenly appeared and said,

"You called Mai?"

Natsuki was amazed and said,

"This fella seemed to be able to pop out from anywhere huh?"

Mai laughed and said it is also the same for her since Kaichou will come immediately if Natsuki calls her.

Natsuki then said,

"Oi Mai, Don't associate that fella to SHIZURU"

They were all surprised when Shizuru showed up and said,

"You called Natsuki?"

I love it. Shizuru was so cute.

Overall rating:


Shiznat Doujinshi (Maitake)