Media Blasters Delays

I know this is rather old news, but for some reason I thought I had already posted on it. Media Blasters sent over a few schedule changes on Jan 15th, and the release dates on the following pre-order titles were changed:

Ikki Tousen Dragon Destiny, Vol #2 - pushed from Jan 26 to Mar 23
Ikki Tousen Dragon Destiny, Vol #3 - pushed from Mar 23 to Apr 20
Magic Knight Rayearth Season 1 DVD Box (Remastered) - pushed from Jan 26 to Apr 27

There were several other dates changes in their live action and manga lines, but those did not effect items currently on the store except for the Akihabara @ Deep , Vol #6, Graphic Novel which was finally updated from the old Sept 23rd (2009) street date up to April 14th.