Sasameki Koto Chapter 27-28

Group Scanlating: Dynasty Scans

Chapter 27

Sumika didn't have any new members on her Karate club so Tomoe asked Kazama to give it a try. Sumika said,

"Kazama wouldn't be interested in something violent like Karate, right Kazama?"

Kasama answered "That's not true. I've seen you do it so I'm a bit interested"

Sumika got upset and said,

"Fine, do whatever you want"

Kazama left the classroom first and Sumika cried. Tomoe tried to talk to Kazama and asked her what happened between them but she said it was nothing. Tomoe wouldn't let it go so she went home with her. They talked and Kazama cried as she said,

"I don't want her to hate me. I don't be separated from her"

Chapter 28

Kazama apologized to Sumika, thinking,

"I care so much about Sumi-chan, I'll do anything to be by her side"

They've both made up but things were still awkward between them. Tomoe was still bothered by the way two act towards each other so Miyako told her to interfere. Tomoe said,

"All I got to do is tell that four-eyed fool, "Miss Big Titties has a crush on you too...but at the moment, there isn't a single thing I can do for them. It's no longer a simple crush."

I love it!! Kazama is starting to fall in love with Sumika but distance is already forming between them. Kazama still refuses to admit that her feelings for Sumika is now beyond friendship and Sumika, probably got tired of getting hurt, she tries to distract herself by focusing on Karate.

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Yuri Meter: 4 = Main Theme of the Story

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Chapter 27 Chapter 28