Akira to Hiyori

Akira Azuma is a tall, attractive, but aloof Kusunoki High School freshman girl and all-around athlete. Hiyori Motohashi is a short Kusunoki freshman girl in the school's broadcasting club. While trying to set up coverage on Akira, Hiyori finds herself attracted to Akira's mysterious charm. Manga Updates

Group Scanlating: Badam Scanlation, FAD2Raptor
Status: On going
Yuri Meter: 2 = Mild Yuri/Shoujo Ai

Azuma doesn't talk much but I find her cool. I like characters like that. She even have fans, or should I say bodyguards. Hiyori on the other hand, is cute but she talks way too much. She's all fired up all time time but that is part of her charm.

I love the art. The characters are very well drawn (for me, that is). I'm hoping to see more yuri in the next chapters and I really want Azuma and Hiyori to become a couple. hehehe

Overall rating:


Chapter 01 Chapter 02 Chapter 03 Chapter 04 Chapter 05 Chapter 06 Chapter 07 Chapter 08 Chapter 09