Zettai Shoujo Seiiki Amnesian Chapter 06

Note: Mature due to Nudity

Group Scanlating: Zefiberyl Translations

Himeko and Chikane are taking a bath together and there was some perverted guy watching from them window. He was sent by Kagime Agency to keep an eye on Chikane for any suspicious behavior. Chikane and Himeko was getting physically close so he suddenly burst in, grabbed the naked Chikane and said,

"Female bonding is suspicious behavior...This is the judgment of my superior!"

Himeko yelled,

"Let Chikane go!!!"

Oogami heard Himeko scream and entered the room and saw her naked. He had a nosebleed and he apologized. He hit the guy, helped Chikane and gave his coat to Chikane so she could cover herself up.

Himeko then thought,

"As I thought...back then, it seemed that he liked Chika-onee-chan....Does Oogami-senpai, toward Chikane-chan...."

The only reason I gave this a 5 rating was because of the Chikane and Himeko scene. I didn't like the the peeping tom part and Oogami's face in Chikane's bare chest.

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Zettai Shoujo Seiiki Amnesian Chapter 06