Note: Mature Content!
The story revolves around the main protagonists Shinobu Handa and Momoko Naitou. They know each other since childhood and Shinobu fell in love with Momoko from the first day they met. Now enrolled in an all-girl high school, Momoko has forgotten about the past, but Shinobu hasn't. Both follow their own ways but Shinobu still hopes for Momoko to remember their promise from long ago. Wikipedia
By: Kurogane Kenn
Scanlators: Dynasty Scans, DokiDoki, Otenba
Volumes: 2
Status: Completed and dropped (by Dokidoki and Otenba)
Alright, so this is the manga version. Scenes are not as explicit as the anime and as expected, there are slight differences on how the story happened. It's still good though!
Yuri Meter: 4 = Main Theme of the Story
Overall rating:
Volume 1
Volume 2