Sasameki Koto Final Episode

I just finished watching episode 13 of SK and here are a few clips from the episode.

Sumika left to visit her relatives at the countryside for the summer festival. Unfortunately, their house burned down so they had to stay at the temple in the mountain. There was no signal when she got there so she desperately looked for a signal to contact Kazama but she couldn't get any.

Kazama couldn’t sleep and just waited for Sumika to send her a message or a call. She woke up the next day, but still no message from her. On the other hand, all Sumika could think about was getting off the mountain and call Kazama.

I was surprised to see Sumika with a headband (she washed her face before so she had to wear it) and she looked different, in a she-looked-cuter-without-bangs-and-glasses-on, kind of way.

When Kazama’s phone rang, I really felt bad when she was so excited to see who it was (It was pretty obvious she wanted it to be from Sumika) and saw the sad look on her face when the message came from Kiyori.

Is it just me or Sayaka seemed to have a crush on Sumika? She was shaking when she asked Sumika if she brought a swimsuit and how jealous she looked when Sumika kept checking her cellphone for a signal.

Meanwhile, Teru was showing off for Sumika. He climbed a tree and called her attention but branch snapped and he fell in the river. Sumika hurriedly jumped in to save him forgetting that her cell phone was on her pocket.

Kazama was worried so she asked her brother for news of any accidents, perhaps to understand why Sumika haven’t called. She was acting all upset when her brother suggested she call Sumika instead.

“No! She told me she’ll call me”.

Such a child Kazama was. She was acting like an upset girl friend waiting for a call from her lover (even her brother thought so too). Sumika’s only been gone for a day and it seemed like years for her. If that isn’t love, I don’t know what love is anymore.

The look on Sumika’s face as she stared at her wet cell phone was hilarious. She barged in to her uncle's room to borrow a phone to call Kazama. (Geez, she should have thought about that the night before. Sumika, baka!) When she couldn't call Kazama because she can't remember her number, it was really funny when she casted a curse on Teru to not grow up for 10 years.

Anyway, when Sumika’s phone finally ran (it was a call from Kazama. I guess she couldn't bear the thought of not talking to her), Teru had to run all the way to the festival to give Sumika her phone. It was really sweet when they were both thinking about each other (with flash backs and background song). Even though Sumika’s phone kept on ringing without an answer, Kazama never stopped calling, which was a good thing. It gave Teru enough time to find Sumika.

When Sumika answered the phone, she tried to explain to her what happened. Kazama was just smiling and didn’t say a word for a minute. The look on her face showed how happy she was just to her Sumika’s voice.

So that was the end for SK season one. They sure picked the right episode to end this season. It was really sweet and romantic, they were acting just like a couple. I even cried a little and kept on yelling "NO!!!" at the end since I won’t be able see them again in animation for a while.

I'll be looking forward for the second season. Hopefully, I won't have to wait years for it.