El Cazador de la Bruja

Plot Summary: Ellis, a young girl suspected of murdering prominent physicist Heinrich Schneider, is on the run from prosecution when she is tracked down by a female bounty hunter Nadie in a small Mexican town. However, instead of turning her in, Nadie impulsively decides to help her and the two embark on a journey south where they hope to find clues about Ellis' past. The guiding stars of their journey are the mysterious gemstone "Rosa del Inca" and the "Eternal City" of WiƱay Marka. Anime News Network

Yuri seems to be really mild here. In fact, yuri moments only strated to really shows towards the later episodes. When I watched this, I was like, where's the yuri part? hehehe.. But the story is really good. Ellis and Nadie became eally close towards the end. I'm not a fan of girl with guns but Nadie is pretty good (she's a bounty hunter after all)

Episodes: 26
Status: Complete

Yuri Meter: 3 = yuri as a side plot

Overall rating:


El Cazador de la Bruja Episodes 1-26 Torrent
