Octave Chapter 22

Group Scanlating: Tranquil Springs

It seems nothing bad happened in this chapter...yet. Shiori, asked her to be her girlfriend but she turned her down. Shiori knew she has a girlfriend but she lied to her face and said she has a boyfriend (she didn't want to admit that she has a girlfriend). Next, she met a guy from work and the train got delayed. They both went to a bar for a drink and it seemed like the guy likes her too. Later, she fell asleep and the guy, Osawa didn't know what to do.

I hate it that Yukino keeps lying about her and Setsuko. I don't know what's going through her mind at all. I feel sorry for Setsuko who does nothing but understand her issues. I'm surprised she hasn't grown tired of her and leave her for good. Anyway, I'd still this chapter a 5 though. At least she didn't give in to Shiori's offer.

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Octave Chapter 22
