Hyakko Anime

Requested by Anonymous

On their first day of high school shy Ayumi Nonomura and taciturn Tatsuki Iizuka become lost on the immense campus of Kamizono Academy. An irresistible force of nature named Torako Kageyama accompanied by her best friend Suzume Saotome appears in front of them. Led, sometimes pushed, by Torako, the girls and their classmates work through problems of school, home and adolescence. Anime News Network

Source: Anime Sensei

I can't rate this anime since I haven't seen it yet. I heard this anime is yuri-sh so I added it on my watch list. Anonymous requested this a couple of days ago but I just got the time to post it. I will watch this anime this week.

I'm currently watching Strike Witches (20th time), K-On (season 1 - 18 times), Sasameki Koto (just started watching this again this week so 7 times), Saki (12 times). Upcoming Anime to watch are Noir (torrent download is almost done) and Hyakko (In 3 days maybe.)

I'm also watching animes online like Bleach (latest episode 268), Angels Beat (latest episode 3, I think), Working! (Episode 3), K-On season 2 (episode 3) and Ikkitousen Xtreme Xecutor (episode 5).


Episode 01 Episode 02 Episode 03 Episode 04 Episode 05

Episode 06 Episode 07 Episode 08 Episode 09 Episode 10

Episode 11 Episode 12 Episode 13 OVA