Aqua Blue Cinema Chapter 06 [end]

Group Scanlating: Lililicious

Ohhh, Aqua Blue Cinema has ended. In this chapter, Mizuki, Yui's ex asked Tae to break up with her and she did. Yui thought she did it because she found out about her and Mizuki so she got angry and stayed at the hotel for the night. When she came back, Tae already left and Mizuki came by and asked for them to talk. She asked Yui for them to get back together but Yui turned her down. She then confessed that she asked Tae to quit and later, Yui came to see Tae and she confessed to her. Tae hugged her and said she loves her too.

Yay! Happy ending!

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Aqua Blue Cinema Chapter 06 [end]
