Read or Die Anime

Plot Summary: Three girls named Anita, Michelle and Maggie are hired to protect Japanese author Nenene Sumiregawa during her stay in Hong Kong. In an incident where the "Paper Sisters" save Nenene from a disgruntled author, Nenene discovers that the sisters have the capability to control paper at their own will - an ability once used by her long-lost friend Yomiko "The Paper" Readman. Arriving in Japan after an airliner incident, the Paper Sisters move into Nenene's apartment and become her freeloading bodyguards. Anime News Network

Source: Anime Sensei
Episodes: 26
Status: Complete

Overall rating:


Torrent 1

Read or Die Episodes 01-26

Torrent 2

Read or Die Episodes 01-26


Episode 01 Episode 02 Episode 03 Episode 04 Episode 05 Episode 06
Episode 07 Episode 08 Episode 09 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12
Episode 13 Episode 14 Episode 15 Episode 16 Episode 17 Episode 18
Episode 19 Episode 20 Episode 21 Episode 22 Episode 23 Episode 24
Episode 25 Episode 26

Sasameki Koto Chapter 49 [RAW]

Special Thanks to EYL and silverstar for sharing the link.

Here's the new raw chapter of SK. Sumika and Kazama are holding hands, YAY and someone is getting jealous with them, Hmmm.

To download translated chapters, click here.

Overall rating:


Sasameki Koto Chapter 49 [RAW]


Group Scanlating: Lililicious

Here's a new one shot from Lililicious. Enjoy!

Overall rating:



Hoshikawa Ginza District 4 Chapter 03-04

Special Thanks to eyl for sharing the link

Group Scanlating: /u/

Yay, 2 new chapters of Hoshikawa Ginza District 4. Enjoy!

To download previous chapters, click here.

Overall rating:


Hoshikawa Ginza District 4 Chapter 03 Hoshikawa Ginza District 4 Chapter 04

Poor Poor Lips Chapter 14

Group Scanlating: Kawaii Scans

Oh, Ren and Nako is out on a date. Nice! I wish Nako would notice Ren's feelings soon or Ren would confess to her.

To download previous chapters, click here.

Overall rating:


Poor Poor Lips Chapter 14

Honey Quartet Chapter 02

Note: Mature Content!

Group Scanlating: Kawaii Scans

Here's a new chapter of Honey Quartet. Hmmm, so Fujiko likes Momochi, eh? I'm surprised she wasn't jealous when she saw Momochi with Ishikawa.

To download previous chapter, click here.

Overall rating:


Honey Quartet Chapter 02

Octave Chapter 36 [End]

Note: Mature Content!

Special thanks to Mio-sempai for the update.

Group Scanlating: Tranquil Spring

Here's the last chapter of Octave. darn, another good manga has ended. All we have left is SK.

Anyway, I love this chapter. It's a happy ending right? Yukino is taking Setsuko to meet her mom? That's awesome! Yukino is soo lucky to have her in her life.

To download previous chapters, click here.

Overall rating:


Octave Chapter 36 [End]

Nobara no Mori no Otometachi Chapter 04

Note: Just added the Mediafire link.

Group Scanlating: Yurikai

Here's a new chapter of Nobara no Mori no Otometachi. Enjoy!

To download previous chapters, click here.

Overall rating:



Nobara no Mori no Otometachi Chapter 04


Nobara no Mori no Otometachi Chapter 04


Mare Chapter 05

Update: Just changed the link. Thanks guys for reporting the error :)

Note: Mature Content!

Group Scanlatiing: PayaPaya Scans

Here's a new chapter of Mare. Wow! So many releases today. This is a good week indeed.

To download previous chapters, click here.

Overall rating:


Mare Chapter 05