Shizuru Fujino1219 (Shiznat Doujin) [RAW]

Special thanks to Indiobotod for sharing this raw shiznat. Check out Indiobotod's shiznat stories at

Language: Japanese

Shizuru was walking in the hallway and Natsuki walked up to her and gave her a present (I don't know why, though). Natsuki looked really cute. She was so shy, she looked away as she hands over her gift. Shizuru took the box and gave it a kiss. She said something to Natsuki afterwards that made Natsuki ran away. I wonder what it was?

I love it. I wish someone would translate all the shiznat raws so we don't have to guess what really happened in the stories.

Overall rating:


Shizuru Fujino1219(Shiznat Doujin)[RAW]
