Blue Drop - Tenshi no Itazura is a three-chapter manga. Each chapter tells stories of different characters and their encounters with an Arume named Kasagi.
Note: Arume - an alien race consisting solely of women
By: Akihito Yoshitomi
Tomo confessed to Misaki but Misaki likes Kasagi-sempai, who is an Arume. Tomo left and Kasagi overheard their conversation. She kissed Misaki and said,
"For Arume, children are created between two female partners. So, would you like to bear my child?"
Misaki cried and told Kasagi to stop when she started to remove her underclothes. Tomo came back and threw a bucket at Kasagi. She lost consciousness after she was hit in the head and Tomo and Misaki escaped. Tomo said she might be expelled for what she did and Misaki said she'll quit school and go with her.
Overall rating:
Blue Drop - Tenshi no Itazura Chapter 01