My Girlfriend Is My Little Sister

Group Scanlating: Dynasty Scans

Yuyu and Miharu just started going out but they suddenly became sisters when their parents decided to get married. Miharu was troubled that they couldn't be a couple anymore and tried to control her desires for Yuyu. She was also worried that Yuyu was acting like a good little sister and didn't seem affected by their new situation.

That night, Miharu asked if they could sleep together and Yuyu willingly agreed. She made an attempt to kiss her while she slept but she stopped herself and said she couldn't do it.

Next morning, Yuyu asked her if she hated her and if she has grown tired of her. Miharu said,

"No way. In fact it's the complete opposite."

YuYu cried and said,

"Then why...didn't you do anything to me?"

" know...we're sisters now"

"Just because we are sisters, we have to forget how we feel? My feelings haven't changed"

Miharu hugged her and said,

"Me neither. My feelings haven't changed a bit"

Few moments later, they both held hands and shared their first kiss.

This one shot is hilarious and I love it. Miharu has a crazy friend giving her advice to kiss Yuyu with tongue.. a cow tongue. That was really funny.I also love the part where Miharu almost gave up her lust but when Yuyu said she was happy to be with her, she blushed and thought,

"Welcome back lust" and even said it in salute..

Overall rating:


My Girlfriend Is My Little Sister