This is the second sequel of the story and it focuses on Marisa and her thoughts about Alice.
1. Can't Even Breathe
2. Let This Tear Become A Star
Group Scanlating: Wings of Yuri
After Alice cried when Marisa told her she was thinking of Reimu, Alice wouldn't open the door for her anymore. Marisa kept coming to her house but Alice never responded to her knocks. She was confused whether to feel sad that she couldn't see her or be offended that Alice kept ignoring her.
She went home and kept thinking about Alice. She thought she liked the relationship they had and she was afraid to change it when she noticed what Alice felt for her. She was confused about her feelings for Alice and Reimu so she decided to visit Reimu and she talked to her about it. Patchouli overheard their conversation and she told Marisa that her feelings for Reimu was nothing but admiration. Reimu agreed with her and said,
"What you feel for me is only envy. Whose smile is it that you want to see? Who is it that you want by your side? Who is there inside your heart right now?"
All Marisa could think of was Alice when she heard Reimu's questions. Finally, it was clear to her what she really felt for Alice, the feeling that she couldn't put into words before. She thanked Reimu and Patchouli and left to go see Alice.
Meanwhile, Alice wasn't over Marisa yet and still continued to think about her. Suddenly, she heard a loud knock on her door and when she was about to open it, she heard Marisa's voice on the other side. Marisa said,
"Finally, I have come here"
"I... did not wish to see you" Alice said.
"I see.. still, I wanted to be with you"
Alice got angry and said "What's that? After all this time..!!!! You already knew what I felt don't you?" she yelled.
Alice cried and said "So....let's end this already..."
Marisa didn't want leave so she used her powers to blast the door open and Alice had to cover her eyes. When she saw Marisa by the door, Marisa looked at her and said
"I love you. Alice."
Finally.. This is the moment that I have been waiting for and it finally happened. I love Alice and Marisa.
Overall rating:
Open Your Heart (Alice x Marisa)