Group Scanlating: Wings of Yuri
Natsuki kept having dreams which reminded her that if things are lost, it will never return again. Shizuru suddenly came with a stuff rabbit for her as a thank you present for what she did. Natsuki held the stuff rabbit in her chest and Shizuru said,
"You don't want to lose this right?" This is the only thing that will not leave Kuga-san behind or go anywhere. I guarantee that, Ok?"
While Shizuru was walking away, she called her out and said,
"...My thanks is what I want to say"
Shizuru hugged her from behind and looked really happy and said "Can I call you Natsuki?"
Natsuki then said "Don't be so full of yourself"
Natsuki was thinking that perhaps it was time for her to move on from what she have lost and obtain precious things as she moves forward. She thought,
"It might be there. I don't know it right now but perhaps in the not too distant future"
Oh yeah, she didn't realize or couldn't admit it yet that Shizuru was someone very precious and she did not want to lose her.
Note: In Japan, addressing someone with their first name is something very personal. Only family members, close friends or lovers usually address each other by first name. But I'm sure you knew that already.
Overall rating:
Freezing (Shiznat Doujin)