Influenced by two of their friends, a pair of female high school students, Natsu and Kumiko, begin playing the popular MMORPG "Apocalypse Online." When they log in for the first time, they find they've been given a rare item, a pair of "marriage rings," which gives the two of them special bonuses when they are near each other. But while their "relationship" is a funny quirk of the game to Natsu, Kumiko secretly longs for it to become a reality...
Manga UpdatesBy: Kurata Uso
Group Scanlating: Timesink Scanlations
Status: New and On going
Yuri Meter: 4 = Main theme of the Story
This is a new yuri manga series that was released this month and I have to say, it's very interesting. Ku is attracted to her best friend Natsu but she didn't tell her about it. Natsu thinks of her as a friend but her reaction when they both got married in the game was,
"I was able to marry Ku with this pretty ring. We're both girls but it doesn't really feel awkward. We love each other"
But when Natsu saw her reaction to what she said, she explained,
"That's right, what I said earlier, It's not really true. I know that we love each other. Just a thing in the game after all. There's no way it could be real right? Marrying each other"
Ku cried as she walked home and thought,
"Something like this..I warned myself about this many times right?... I understand right?.. Don't ask for anything....Don't hope for anything"I think Natsu also likes Ku the same way but they're both too scared to admit it or confess their feelings. I can't wait to read the next chapter.
This is the same artist who did my favorite one shots
Kakera and
Kusari Wa Mou IranaiOverall rating:
Apocalypse Chapter 01 Chapter 02 Chapter 03----------------------------------------------------------------------------------