Maria Sama ga Miteru Season 1
When the story begins, Yumi Fukuzawa, a first-year student at Lillian, is praying in front of the Virgin Mary statue near the school entrance when she is suddenly approached by a cold second-year student named Sachiko Ogasawara who straightens Yumi's uniform neckerchief. This seemingly simple act of kindness stays with Yumi the rest of the day, and she speaks of her meeting with Sachiko to her friends during class and lunch. After school is over, Yumi's classmate Tsutako Takeshima meets with Yumi to show her that she took a photograph of Yumi's meeting with Sachiko earlier that morning. Yumi asks if she can have the photo, but Tsutako says she will give her the snapshot under two conditions: one being that Tsutako can display it at the upcoming school festival, and two being that Yumi get Sachiko's permission to do so as well. Yumi agrees to this, which sets in motion a series of events involving the entire Yamayuri Council — the student council of the school. A few weeks after first meeting Sachiko, Yumi accepts Sachiko's rosary and therefore agrees to become her petite sœur. Wikipedia
This is one of the anime you should not miss!
Yuri Meter: 2 = Mild Yuri
Overall rating:
Maria Sama ga Miteru Seasons 1-4 Torrent
Episode 01 Episode 02 Episode 03 Episode 04 Episode 05 Episode 06
Episode 07 Episode 08 Episode 09 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12
Episode 13
must see yuri anime,
shoujo ai,
yuri anime