Aoi Hana Anime
Episodes: 11
Status: Complete
Plot Summary: At the start of Aoi Hana, Akira Okudaira, who is an entering high school student into Fujigaya Girls Academy, becomes reacquainted with her childhood friend Fumi Manjōme whom she has not seen for ten years. Fumi is attending Matsuoka Girl's High School where she quickly becomes friends with a handsome third-year student named Yasuko Sugimoto. Akira joins her school's drama club with her friend and classmate Kyōko Ikumi, who is in love with Yasuko, though Yasuko turns her down. Akira meets Kyōko's fiance (in name only) Kō Sawanoi. Yasuko and Fumi become a couple, and Fumi comes out to Akira who is at first unsure on how to act, but still tries to support Fumi's new relationship.
When Akira and her friends enter their second year of high school, an energetic first-year student named Haruka Ōno joins the Fujigaya drama club. Akira and Kyōko are split into different classrooms, and Akira meets a tall girl in her new class named Ryōko Ueda. The high school division of Fujigaya does the play Rokumeikan with Akira, Kyōko and Ryōko playing lead roles, though Ryōko only agrees to act because Akira also agrees to act alongside her. Fumi and Haruka become friends, and Haruka confides in Fumi that she suspects her older sister Orie may like women. Not knowing how to respond, Fumi seeks advice from Akira, but ends up confessing her love for her instead. Kō suggests to Kyōko to break off the engagement, but Kyōko wants to marry him. The play goes well and everyone praises the actress' performances. Wikipedia
Yuri Meter: 4 = Main Theme of the Story
Overall rating:
I love the ending.. I can't wait for Season 2.
Aoi Hana Episode 1-11 (torrent)
Episode 01 Episode 02 Episode 03 Episode 04 Episode 05 Episode 06
Episode 07 Episode 08 Episode 09 Episode 10 Episode 11
must see yuri anime,
yuri anime