Kanamemo Anime

The funniest yuri anime I've seen so far:

Plot Summary: The story centers on Kana Nakamichi, a middle-school girl who had already lost her parents and just recently lost her only remaining relative, her grandmother. While Kana is trying to cope with the loss, collectors arrive at Kana's home and start carrying out furniture. When Kana asks them what they are doing, they say they "were told to remove all of the old lady's things". Kana believes this includes her as well, and she panics, grabs as many things she can fit in a backpack, and runs away. Looking for a new place to live, she ended up at a newspaper distribution center, Fuhshin Gazette, where the series takes place. Wikipedia

When I watched this anime, I was laughing so hard, I couldn’t even breathe. Although, some people might think differently, but for me, it was definitely one of the funniest anime out there. There is also a yuri element in this anime and that made it even better (Yuri couple: Yume and Yuuki) . Kana is adorable. She reminds me of Yui Hirasawa from K-On.

Yuri Meter: 3 = yuri as a side plot

Overall rating:


Kanamemo Episodes 1-13

Episode 01 Episode 02 Episode 03 Episode 04 Episode 05 Episode 06
Episode 07 Episode 08 Episode 09 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12
Episode 13