From live action to...anime?

When you look at any type of animation, you usually see a popular cartoon eventually get a movie treatment.  Sometimes you see a movie adaptation that continues in an animated style, but more often than not you see an animated series turned into a live-action film.  I'm not too sure why movie houses make this decision, but it seems to be a trend that shows no signs of stopping.  Just take a look at what's in theaters now!  The Smurfs in live action just feels...weird.

You want to know what I think is even stranger?  A live-action TV series getting turned into an anime.  I could be making an ignorant statement here, but I can't think of many instances when this sort of translation has happened.  It just seems like an odd decision to make, but I guess it all depends on the demographic of the live-action show to begin with.

Perhaps that's why the TV show Supernatural got an anime adaptation.  I don't watch Supernatural...never seen an episode.  To tell you the truth, I didn't really have an idea it existed until I heard about the anime.  I see that the show has a loyal following, and after reading the basic plot points of the live-action series, I can see how it might make for an interesting anime.  I don't think I should check out the anime until I see the show, but I can admit that this offshoot of the series is a pretty unique idea.

How would you feel about your favorite live-action shows getting anime adaptations?  What shows do you think would make for a good anime?  Would you want the anime series to try some new things, tell a side-story of the TV show, or would you like a direct translation?