Couple More Delays from Media Blasters

Media Blasters just sent over an e-mail to let us know that they are delaying a couple more new releases. Surprise! -_^

Here's the changes:

Loveless Vocal Collection DVD Boxed Set (Bilingual) - Mar 29 to Apr 26
Moribito Collection #2 Boxed Set (Eps #14-26) (BLURAY) - Apr 12 to May 17

I only have a couple of comments on these. First, I'm glad MB even bothered to let us know ahead of time, but I'm getting REALLY tired of fighting with them over delivery dates. I know they are trying to get back on track, but they have been telling us that since last summer. Seriously, I'd rather sit through a root canal than go through what we just went through just to get our copies of Kanokon and Queens Blade (the BD), and we still have no idea when the regular version of Queens Blade is going to ship. So what I do know is this - Media Baster's process is broken, and they need to get it fixed now. Until that happens, I don't think we can give a shread of credibility to anything they announce or any date they set for any title.