Candy Boy Anime

Source: Anime Sensei

Plot Summary: Twin sisters, Yukino and Kanade Sakurai, room together in the dorms at their high school, enjoying school life with their friends and one another. One day, Sakuya Kamiyama, an underclassman, seeks out Yukino, while Kanade learns from a friend that Sakuya has admired Yukino for a very long time. This innocent revelation sets into motion a chain of events that eventually lead to Yukino expressing her feelings for her sister. Wikipedia

I love this anime. I didn’t even care if they were sisters. Love breaks all barriers, right? They really look good together. On the last episode, Kanade kissed Yukino. She was only supposed to wipe the cream off Yukino’s lip but she kissed her instead. That made me very happy. By the way, Kanade and Shizuma of Strawberry Panic have the same voice actor.

Yuri Meter: 4 = Main Theme of the Story

Overall rating:



Candy Boy Anime

Episode 01 Episode 02 Episode 03 Episode 04 Episode 05 Episode 06

Episode 07