Here's a bit of fantastic Friday news that I never expected! This one brings together both of my blogs, and I couldn't be happier!
At the currently-in-action Anime Expo 2011, Viz Media announced that they'll be bringing Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva to North America. For those that don't know, this is not an entry in the Professor Layton game series, but instead, a full-length anime feature on the franchise. This film has seen release in Japan and Europe, but North America seemed to be left in the cold on this one.
I thought for sure that the film was going to forever be blocked from North America, but I'm very happy to see Viz pick it up. I can only imagine the hoops they had to jump through to make this happen. We can look forward to more details from Viz later this year. Huge thanks to Mario1_7 for the heads up!