What's the one thing you can find on the internet no matter what corner of the web you hang out in? No, it's not pornography, but that's a good guess! Unfortunately, that one thing seems to be hatred. No matter what site you go to or what forum you hang out on, there's always going to be someone that sets out to ruin another person's day. While I love the internet, I can't say I enjoy that aspect.
The topic of hatred has been hitting me hard lately on Twitter. I've been searching for all sorts of anime-related posts to look for new anime fans/friends, and while I do those searches I stumble upon some rather hate-filled messages. Oddly enough, these Tweets are coming from anime fans...and they're directed at other anime fans! I will not be posting specific messages here, as I do not want to stir up trouble for anyone involved.
What are these anime-hating-anime Tweets all about? It seems to be geared toward certain anime fans hating fans of another anime. For example, I can't tell you how many negative Naruto messages I've seen over the last week. I don't know why, but tons of anime fans felt the need to hit Twitter and badmouth those that like Naruto. There were others in there as well, such as a few One Piece and Bleach negative attacks, but Naruto seemed to be the biggest culprit.
I'm just throwing this out there because I wanted to show how sad it is. We're anime fans, and the art of anime should be bringing us together! There's absolutely no need to put down others for liking what you don't. If they like an anime that you do not, just let it go! The internet already has enough hate for anime fans as it is. We don't need people turning on one another. If someone is enjoying something that doesn't harm you or others you love in any way, be happy for their enjoyment!