We've talked about all sorts of anime aspects, an we have a million more to go. While we've talked about anime and the times we watch, we haven't talked about how much anime we actually take in in a month. As I said earlier, it's hard to find the time to check out the anime you want to, but I'm sure we all manage to make it happen.
In the course of a month, how much anime do you think you watch? I'd like to think that some people have a schedule down pat, and manage to get in a ton of anime as the months roll on. I know a few people that make a point to at least watch a few episodes of a series each week, trying to stay on a schedule that allows them to move onto new series' quite often.
For me, I really wish I could do a schedule. Some months I'm surprised by just how much anime I get to take in. Other times, I'm lucky if I manage to get an hour's worth of anime in the full month. Things just happen and eat up all the time I would have to view anime, and it kills me to go that long without indulging a little bit. I feel like I'm really missing out!
So...in the course of a month, how much anime do you manage to watch? Do you just set a goal one month and try to beat it the next?!