Kissing Mars Chapter 04

Special Thanks to fae for the update

Group Scanlating: Tranquil Spring

Here's a new chapter of Kissing Mars. I feel sorry for Yukari. She really does like Miki. Part of me is hoping that Miki just made up the whole "I have a boyfriend" story to get Yukari's attention. Maybe her "like" is also the same as Yukari.


I read the review of this manga and...don't read further if you don't want to be spoiled:


Here's part of the review from Okazu:

The story ends there, with the two of them moving to new desk partners the next semester. But they see each other in class and wave. On the last page, Yukari thinks that this love will always be her precious memory. It has a decidedly sweet, rather than bitter, flavor and it leaves one with a good feeling.

Yukari likes Miki. The End.

To download previous chapters, click here.

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Kissing Mars Chapter 04