Synopsis: Amamizukan is an apartment complex where no boys are allowed. Kurashita Tsukimi, a girl who adores jellyfish, lives there happily with her friends who all have nerdy obsessions of their own. Their peaceful lives gradually start to change when a beautiful woman helps Tsukimi out of a pinch. She stays overnight at the apartments -- but it turns out "she" is really a "he."
Funimation Will Release Kuragehime (Princess Jellyfish) on DVD/BD
Funimation announced on it's blog yesterday that it has acquired the home video rights to the Romantic Comedy Princess Jellyfish (Kuragehime), which it simulcasted this past fall. Funimation said they decided to release the series on DVD after receiving a positive response to a Facebook inquiry. Funi is planning to release the series on both DVD and BluRay in 2012.
Synopsis: Amamizukan is an apartment complex where no boys are allowed. Kurashita Tsukimi, a girl who adores jellyfish, lives there happily with her friends who all have nerdy obsessions of their own. Their peaceful lives gradually start to change when a beautiful woman helps Tsukimi out of a pinch. She stays overnight at the apartments -- but it turns out "she" is really a "he."
Synopsis: Amamizukan is an apartment complex where no boys are allowed. Kurashita Tsukimi, a girl who adores jellyfish, lives there happily with her friends who all have nerdy obsessions of their own. Their peaceful lives gradually start to change when a beautiful woman helps Tsukimi out of a pinch. She stays overnight at the apartments -- but it turns out "she" is really a "he."
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