Okay, let's take a break and do some real blogging for a change.. hehehe
I got an email from Lena today and she asked why I prefer shiznat over other yuri couples. I was planning to post the full email but I figured, she might not like that idea. Anyway, She said:
"Why do you like them or to put it another way, why do you (if you really do) prefer them over other yuri pairings?"
Hmmm... Good question. It's true that Mai Hime didn't have much yuri in it. In fact, Shizuru got rejected in the end. In the manga, Natsuki showed more interest in Takeda than Shizuru (that's why I didn't read it). When I first watched the anime, it didn't have that much impact on me. But when I read doujinshi (by Nanzaki Izu, etc) and fanfics, I started obsessing about them.
This image, for example:
Or this:
not to mention this:
Who wouldn't go crazy over that?
So going back to the question: "Why ShizNat?", I can't really explain it but I just love them. I'm not sure what other shiznat fans think of them or why they prefer them but for me, they are the best yuri couple ever..
Same with NanoFate. I found myself loving them even more (thanks to Dark and Passer). If you watch the anime, there's barely any hint of yuri around them but they make a great couple.
I didn't really answer the question, did I? Oh well, that's the best I can do for now. Oh, thanks for your email Lena. See? I even featured your question here :)
What do you guys think? Why do you love shiznat?