Sasameki Koto Chapter 36

Yay! Another chapter for SK. The translation of Chapters 34-36 looks legitimate to me so I posted it.. hahaha.. If the translations are bogus, I hope someone will let me know. =D

BTW, thanks anon for the tip ;)...Aaron, I don't visit 4chan..hahaha.. I downloaded the translated chapters somewhere else.

Group Scanlating: 4chan

Kazama kissed Sumika....while she's wearing a mask (darn!).. After that, Sumika's floating in heaven. She ended up number 10 in their class (she used to be number 1) and she even made Kazama the manager of their karate club. As for Mayu, she is developing an even stronger feelings for Sumika. I wonder how Kazama will react if she finds out.

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Sasameki Koto Chapter 36