Girl Friends Chapter 32 [English]

Yay! CHapter 32!!!!

Group Scanlating: Maki Maki Scanlation

Mari doesn't like it that Akko is going to a different school.. a co-ed school at that.. Akko asked,

"You don't like that there will be boys!?"

Mari replied,

"Th..that's not really it, but...I think you'd be popular with guys."

Akko then said,

"I'm a bit happy that you're jealous but..there's no reason to know...what me feelings for you are right?"

Awww... They are so cute. Although I was a bit disappointed that Akko couldn't understand why Mari acted that way. She just assumed that Mari didn't trust her enough to go to a co-ed school. I can't blame mari for feeling jealous about it. It's pretty normal to want to be with the one you love.

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Girl Friends Chapter 32