My-Zhime Fanbook Vol 1
On this doujinshi, Natsuki was already the headmaster and Shizuru was her right hand (just like in Mai Otome). Natsuki was getting stressed with her work and Shizuru offered to help with whatever she can. When a woman came in to ask Natsuki about a certain issue, she found her sleeping soundly in the arms of Shizuru.
There's a side story after that where Shizuru was telling Natsuki about her desires. To be more accurate, her exact words were:
"I really want to defile you. You could say my deep desire is boiling over. It's been really hard trying to supress it. I'd like to soil you"
Natsuki then had a mental image of what Shizuru was thinking and yelled "NOT THAT WAY!!!"
Very cute and funny as always. This is another of Nanzaki Iku's amazing work so they look as hot and beautiful as ever.
Overall rating:
My-Zhime Fanbook Vol 1
one shot yuri,
recommended one shot,