Yay! Chapter 28 translated version has been released by MakiMaki Translations
Well, we've all seen the raw copy of this chapter a few days ago so we can't really expect any difference. Akko and Maki had very cute moments on the train (just like what I said on my post on chapter 28 RAW) but this time, I finally understood what they were talking about (poor me!)
The train was filled with passengers and Akko said the cutest thing to Mari:
Akko: "If anyone tries to molest you, just tell me. I have a pin!" But if Mari molests me, then that's okay"
Mari: "No!"
Akko: "Eh?? Then can I?"
Now that was cute. I love it. Too bad the rest of the pages focuses on Sugi. When she asked Akko and Mari how far they've gone, the couple looked really cute when embarrassed. Oh well, I'm pretty satisfied about Akko and Mari's moments. That's more than enough scenes for me to give this chapter a 5.
To download previous chapters, go here.
Overall rating:
Chapter 28