Kissing Mars

Note: Mature Content! Contains HET scenes

Group Scanlating: Tranquil Springs

Yukari is a "bad girl." She rebels against her controlling mother by dyeing her hair, polishing her nails and having an older boyfriend, with whom she has an intimate relationship. In fact, as she notes, that's kind of all they have right now. He never takes her anywhere; they just go to a karaoke box, sing a bit, and have sex.

Miki is a "good girl." She's tall, and has classic Japanese beauty. She's quiet and bookish and smart. And a bit aloof.

The two are forced to share a double desk at the beginning of the term which annoys Yukari no end. Like most bad girls, her initial reaction is disdain and derision for the good girl's behavior. But, one day, after school, she sees Miki in the Art Room, gently kissing a statue of Mars and her heart starts to race. When someone comes up from behind, both Miki and Yukari know that they've been seen, and everything changes between them. Manga Updates

Chapter 01 was released last February but I didn't post it because it contains HET scenes. There's light yuri in this but might only surface at the later part of the story.

Overall rating:



Kissing Mars Chapter 01 Kissing Mars Chapter 02 Chapter 03 Chapter 04